This may be written by a single person who has just one voice, but I am willing to bet that much of what is penned here is the silent voice of the majority.
Ever since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th I have watched with trepidation, disgust and sadness a complete breakdown of society. There seems to be a complete dearth of leaders and moral leadership. Barring a few sane voices the world has gone morally insane.
Where have all the leaders gone? Why are there so few willing to stand up against the insanity that has plagued our universities? How can leaders of countries side with terrorists murderers who kill, rape and burn infants?
If you ask as to whom I mean when I say leaders, I literally mean every leader possible with a few paltry exceptions.
Some examples of failed leadership.
1. How have the University Presidents allowed these obscene students completely disobey the law, deface university property and disrupt classes? How do they not see that there have been no demonstrations or violence on the grounds of Columbia, Yale, UCLA or any other campus here or abroad protesting the Chinese persecution of the Uyghurs? These are Muslims literally being confined in labor camps by the ruling party in China and the trust fund college students have no clue or if they are aware, they choose willful blindness. Why are the professors who are so vocal against Israel silent on this?
2. Where is the outrage and panic of our leaders when it comes to the fact that United States citizens are being held as hostages? There are still Americans being held hostage by murderous thugs who are hell bent ok killing, raping and torturing innocent civilians because they are Jewish. I can only imaging what the response would be from the Government and the populace if Iraq was holding 20 Americans who were visiting. Would they send them money as they are doing to Hamas?
3. What actions have the international leadership such as the failed and deplorable United Nations taken with regards to the horrific stories of rapes and sexual torture perpetrated on these poor innocent women on October 7? Does anyone care? Not one sign on campuses or on the streets!!! Dare I say selective outrage?
4. What about the hundreds of thousands of Gazan civilians who are being led by murderous thugs who have no regard for anything other than their thirst for blood.
5. Why is the international community not asking where has the billions of dollars of aid that was sent to Hamas & Palestinian Authority gone to? Murderous thugs have built underground tunnels, rocket launchers, rockets and hoarded weapons at the VERY expense of the people of Gaza infrastructure. No leader seems to care.
Be vigilant and never be silent.